A muster Roll of Militia Company and part of an Alarm Company that marched to Cambridge by Concord on the Alarm on the nineteenth of April last under the command of Capt, Aaron Haynes of Sudbury and returning home.
Aaron Haynes Capt
Daniel Bowker Lieut
James Puffer Lieut
Joshua Haynes Sergt
Samual Dakin Sergt
Samual Puffer Sergt
Jonathan Haynes Sergt
Benjamin Smith Corp
Ashael Balcom Corp
Hope Brown Corp
Ithamon Rice Corp
Phineas Puffer, Clark
Aaron Haynes
Abel Maynard, Private
Micah Maynard
John Maynard
Jonas Haynes
Isaac Puffer
Oliver Dakin
Silas How
Thomas Puffer
Rufus Parmenter
James Parmenter
Ebenezer Plympton
Abel Tower
Francis Green
Jason Haynes
Joseph Haynes
Israel Brigham
Abel Willis
Isaac Rice
John Bemis
Moses Noyes
David Moore
Abijah Brigham
Israel Haynes
Edmund Parmenter
Henry Smith
Dea Thomas Plympton
Lieut Dakin